Crystal Healing: Natural Way to Realign Energy & Fulfill Your Potential


Crystal healing has made a strong comeback into wellness practices in the last decade. But so many questions still remain largely unanswered as to how it works or whether it’s worth the investment of money and effort. Many people use crystals as a nod to trends and desire to bring a little spirituality to their life without much of the inner work. But here are some facts to demystify crystal healing and maybe get you excited about it. Being a crystal healer myself, this topic is near and dear to my heart.

When did the tradition of crystal healing start?

From the ancient times healers, priests and community elders have known of the importance of specific crystal stones on a person’s body and mind, their mood and will power. They could tell from trial and error how powerful the energies of nature were, and crystals were a tangible and concentrated embodiment of such energy. Crystals were added to medical substances, carried around for protection and healing support and considered to bring good luck to the owner, provided they had pure intentions and clear mind/heart.

How are crystals created?

There are threee main ways for crystals to be created:

  • igneous;
  • metamorphic;
  • sedimentary.

Igneous way means the crystals are formed either within the Earth in places with hot plates where the cooling process happens faster, or as a result of a volcano eruption, when molten lava contacts cool air.

Metamorhic rocks are formed when two elements are pushed together due to external heat and pressure to form a new one. Metamorphic rock usually has tell tale lines showing you how parts were pushed together.

Sedimentary rock formation means certain parts of the original rock got impacted by weathering (often washed away by water/wind). Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acids in the water enter the cracks and crevices of the rock. Mineral-forming elements are released, forming smth new under the influence of the elements (fossils are an example of such crystal formation).

How does crystal healuing work for human body?

Human body mostly consists of water, and crystals connect with that water to impact its energy vibration and frequency. This is a natural and stress free influence on the body, as crystals are formed by nature and embody the energy of the Earth.

Crystals are largely used in healing and wellness pactices for the following reasons:

  • overall physical and emotional stability;
  • peace of mind;
  • courage;
  • unlocking creativity and intuition;
  • embracing one’s birth potential;
  • expressing individual power.

Often the power of crystals is combined with other activities, like meditation, therapy, herb treatment, tarot reading, etc.


Crystals to begin with

My all time favorites are roze quartz, clear quarts, amethyst and citrine. They cover most of our chakras and provide the main benefits of crystal healing overall: heart healing (roze quartz), protection (amethyst), abundance (citrine) and energy balance (clear quartz).



Please remember that crystal healing is not a substitute for medical treatment. Instead they should be used in conjunction with medical or psychological treatment in case of a known health issue. Not all crystals are safe for use in the same way. Its important to know the powers of specific crystals. You should also know the origin and the specifics of the stones you own and use for healing. There are practices on taking care of your crystals, so they continue serving you well over time.

Crystal healing and me

I have been using crystals heavily in my own wellness practices for about 5 years now. I make recommendations for friends and clients on where/how to choose them depending on their needs. Concious crystal usage is important, too. I.e., how and under what circumstances were these crystals collected, where they come from, etc.

Last June I embarked on a crystal mining adventure of my own. I was invited by a colleague lightworker who has a vast experience in crystal mining. We went to Sierra Nevada mountains in Nevada to have a hands-on experience of the natural habitat of crystals, as well as the process of mining/treating them.



Whatever you interest of crystals is, make sure you do your homework or talk to someone experienced about crystal selection and usage to make sure you gain benefit from using them. Generally it’s important to have crystlas around you for a while to impact your energy. That’s why crystal jewellry is so popular nowadays. Another great idea is to keep crystals in your pocket/bag or at places where you spend considerable amount of time (such as an office desk or a bed-side table). In case you’d like ot learn more on this topic from me please leave a comment or contact me by email. Thank you!


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