Drop Your Fears to Gain New Freedom!


Hi y’all! This is my debut in blogging, so please be patient while I’m finding my style in story telling and context framing! And this is the first of the fears to overcome at this point!

A few words about me

My name is Victoria. I’m from Ukraine, but currently residing in New York City area. I’m a linguist working in software engineering and very much interested in psychology, esoterics and all things personal growth. I’ll share more of my personal profile in a separate page and some more through my stories. My life has been one of variety and emotion, at times exhilirating and at other times horrifying and confusing.

Drop your fears - Victoria in Ney York

As many of you I’ve often challenged myself to go higher, deeper and better in life. But I consider my greatest achievements those events and accomplichments where I pushed the boundary of my own fears and limitations. Yeah, it’s all about that “being better than your former self” buzz.

Starting this blog

And yes, this blog is one of such trampoline jumps into the uknown for me. At times of unease and unpredictability I feel I can help other people by sharing my stories, knowledge and practical tips in finding balance, wisdom and inner peace without much of material contribution or other people’s help. Since I believe we’re tailoring our life in the physical by following internal growth path and finding our true selves.

With some luck I’ll pass on a baton of dropping fears to you, and you’ll be happier and more accomplished in your life (one day at a time) – going for your wishes and desires, discovering your gifts and inclinations and finding a positive outline in any obstacle or sadness.

With a bit more luck you’ll be less worried about what other people think and expect of you, what tomorrow will bring or what way social protocols require you to behave.

Final thoughts

Today please remember: you have yourselves, your loved ones, your pets, roof over your head and food on your table, and that’s a pretty damn good start for finding true harmony and happiness 🙂

Now, on to the journey of lifting ourselves up and learning more about ourselves to live a more mindful and abundant life! On y va, mes amis 🙂

Drop your fears - In the bamboo forest on the outskirts of Paris
In the bamboo forest on the outskirts of Paris

P.S. Let me know which topics you’re interested in for me to make this blog informative and practical. I might do video posts in the future, too 😉

840cookie-checkDrop Your Fears to Gain New Freedom!

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