Wait, what?!
If you’ve been watching my Youtube videos for a while you know I like to talk about astrology and specific birth chart placements or planetary aspects as keys to our inclinations, actions and energetic potential. North Node and South Node of the Moon are such data points. They are mathematical points calculated in your birth chart.
As the name suggests they are the points of Moon path, the axis if you will. Your North Node/South Node pair reveal your mission in this life – they are basically your Spiritual Compass. The North Node resembles the idea of a North Star. This is your karmic goal/destination in this lifetime. It is totally new to you – the new language you must learn – but if you are brave to take this route you will get the most rewarding life experience, reaching your happiness through utilizing your potential and helping the world be a better place.
So what’s with the South Node?
Your South Node on the other hand is your comfort zone, the skills and talents you already have in this life naturally – it is also the karma you’re here to undo or heal; unfinished business from past lives.
Your North Node quite literally reveals your calling, and if you stay in the South Node occupation far too long (many people lean to that choice as it’s the most straightforward) the North Node will be calling you to shift gears, often making status quo problematic and maybe even feeling like a dead end.
The nodes represent not only skills you can use professionally, but also your thinking patterns and ways to connect wth people and/or solve problems.

While it may seem obvious that the righter passage is to follow the North Node direction, it doesn’t mean we should ignore the South Node knowledge we have at our disposal. That information that you’re very comfortable with and have strong experience in will help you reach your goals. Besides, once you start pursuing North Node direction, South Node will get re-energized, and will open new insights and new level of awareness for you.
Let’s find the nodes!
North and South nodes in your chart are always opposite each other (180 degrees). You can find out what they are by generating a birth chart online: https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/birth-chart/
There is also a global placement of the nodes we’re experiencing in the moment that plays its part. The nodes are always in retrograde, and the placement changes about every 18 months. Right now the North Node is in Taurus, and the South Node is in Scorpio. This placements pushes the global collective to re-evaluate priorities and world views, find purpose through true stability and comfort, by making authenticity and internal truth a priority in life. Rings a bell considering all the events of 2022? (North Node went into Taurus in Jan 2022, will stay there till mid 2023).
It’s all about the balance
To summarize, the North Node represents our karmic paths and the lessons we came here to learn — or the language we are learning to speak. The South Node reveals the challenges and gifts we bring in from previous
lifetimes. You’re here to get them both working again – this is how you become in perfect alignment with the Universe.
Watch the upcoming video on my Youtube channel where I dive deeper into the meaning behind your North Node sign and house.
For more detail check out my webinar on the North Node meaning and interpretation of various placements: https://youtu.be/686i0lMygk8